Rasstandaard Brits korthaar/langhaar

There are two theories as to the origins of the British Shorthair: 

  1. Some say Harrison Weir (Engelsman die de eerste kattenshow organiseerde in de Crystal Palace te Londen) himself created the breed, while others believe a group of cat lovers selectively bred the best examples of working cats. These cats were exhibited at the first cat show, organised by Harrison Weir at Crystal Palace in 1871.
  2. Initially, shorthaired cats dominated the early cat shows, but by 1896 the longhaired breeds were favoured, and shorthairs had declined in numbers. In an attempt to rescue the declining short-haired cats,  Short-haired Cat Society was formed in 1901 and this club catered for, amongst other breeds the British Shorthair.

During World War I, many breeds of the cat were almost decimated. The British Shorthair was one such breed. After the war, breeders attempted to re-establish the breed. As numbers were low, British Shorthairs were sometimes outcrossed to Persian cats. The GCCF objected to the use of Persian cats and the offspring were not permitted to be shown or registered as British Shorthairs. The offspring were mated back to British Shorthairs, and after three generations they were allowed to be registered as British Shorthairs.

In the 1930s, Kit Wilson became involved with the breed. After World War II very few British Shorthairs survived. Breeders turned to unregistered domestics, Russian Blue’s and Chartreux to help restore the breed. The offspring of these matings didn’t match the British Shorthair type, so once again, Persians were used to try and re-create the look of the British type.

bron: Julia Wilson July 5, 2017 British Shorthair Profile-History, Appearance and Temperament

  brits korthaar   brits korthaar

Welke uiterlijke kenmerken hebben een Brits korthaar en een Brits langhaar, in welke kleuren komen de Britten voor, welke oogkleuren horen bij welke vachtkleur, waar wordt opgelet tijdens een keuring op een kattenshow, deze informatie is verwerkt in de zogenaamde rasstandaard. De rasstandaard van de Brit is afkomstig van de website van het Nederlands onafhankelijk kattenkeurmeestersgilde. 

Dowload hier de rasstandaard.


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